It’s the little things…

Yesterday I was writing some java code, and I needed to count the number of occurrences of a character in a String. I wanted to stay in pure java and not introduce a library dependency, so I ended up writing this code:

  int count = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) {
    if( str.charAt( i ) == '.' ) {

This is a preposterous amount of code to write for such a simple and common problem. There is a hilarious thread on Stack Overflow on how to do the same thing:

In Gosu, via CoreStringEnhancement, the code is simply this:

  var count = str.countMatches( "." )

There are big features in Gosu that make development more productive that we bang on a lot publicly (type inference, closures, and the The Open Type System to name a few) and rightly so. But these small things make a huge difference in day to day coding as well. It’s not like the code for these convenience methods are hard, it’s just that the methods are there and in a place you can find them.

The culture of Java has never emphasized making the easy stuff easy. A favorite example of mine is the code to read a file. Contrast that with how you do so in Gosu:

  var content = new File( "foo.txt" ).read() 

One of my pet theories is that the reason that dynamic languages get better, easier-to-deal-with libraries is that, since they don’t have good tool support, library developers simply can’t adopt the baroque APIs that Java developers have become used to. This creates a culture and a set of expectations that a library will be simple to get going with and will scale up in complexity only as necessary: otherwise the library just never gets off the ground.

We are aiming to capture that same culture of simplicity in Gosu, while retaining the advantages of a statically typed language.

3 Comments on “It’s the little things…”

  1. Doug says:

    The ‘.’ in str . countMatches is really hard to see. That could be an artifact of my browser (firefox 5), but figured I’d point it out in case anyone else is staring at that trying to figure out the code.

  2. Carson Gross says:

    Huh. Renders fine in Chrome and Safari.

    Sorry firefox users…

  3. mile says:

    Gosu is a very stupid language as far as I can see. Scala, Java and many others are much, much better.

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